Saturday, November 27, 2010

A weak week.

This week:

I did not see a concert I had a ticket for in Vancouver.
I did not go because of this white, sleek, snow....mixed with wind...and ice. 
I did not get to see my beautiful friend, Teresa, because of said snow. 
 I did not ace my tests like I had hoped.
 I did not go to Target at 5am on Black Friday.

 I did give thanks. I gave thanks that all those near and dear to me are safe. I gave thanks for my family and friends for staying near and dear to me. I gave thanks for having the life I have, no matter what speed bumps I hit. In the end, I won't remember the things I did not do, but I will remember all the memorable things I was able to do. For that, I am most grateful.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Must be Monday...

Today was one of the worst days I've had in I don't know how long. 
The only good thing was making a list in class that stated 20 things we love to do. 
I've been re-reading mine all evening. It's better than thinking about the day. 

Twenty things I love to do

(in no particular order)

1. Laugh
2. Cook/Bake
3. See family and friends, old and new
4. Exercise
5. Take pictures
6. Write
7. Tell corny jokes
8. Watch Ellen obsessively
9. Eat home cooked meals
10. Grocery shop
11. Visit new places
12. Make to-do lists
13. Drink water
14. Watch sports
15. Dance
16. Listen to music
17. Send cards to people
18. Watch Jeopardy
19. Shower
20. Attempt crossword puzzles

Sometimes you just have to remind yourself. 
Sometimes you have bad days. 
Sometimes they get better.
Especially with this...
 ...and sometimes with this...


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oh na na, what's my name?

Realistically, I'll be moving on after school to someplace new. Possibly? Maybe? Could be wrong?
Either way, I'll go wherever I'm hired. 
WHAT ABOUT MY BLOG?! What if I have to move away from Bellingham?
I wouldn't be blogging from Bellingham anymore...
Would I re-name it? 
Would it be meaningful? 
Would it be catchy?

 Home, Health, Happiness. 

 WasSup Portland?
 Los Annegeles?
 My life battle in Seattle?
 VAnnecouver Maneuver?
 ChiBlogo. (yep. You better believe I just thought of that)
Maybe someplace unknown? A new town? A new city? A new state? A new country?  I have yet to leave my mark...

Turns out, nothing compares. Who knows where I'll be, but I'll always know how Bellingham changed me. (Please no comments on whether it was for the better or not)
Saved by the Bellingham for Life? Well, at least until I stop blogging. 


Sunday, November 14, 2010

An Irrelevant Update

Right now, I am: 

Wearing sweatpants that are three inches too short.

Considering going to sleep due to the pitch black sky at 5 pm.

Highlighting every definition of health since 1947.

People watching at the coffee shop. Are they watching me back? But my sweatpants! And my frizzy hair! And my tired eyes! I'm nervous. Eyes down. Now.

Deleting emails without any sign of progress in that department.

Wondering how fast this week can go, but I know I'm scared it will go too fast. Who gave me the indecisive gene?

Talking to my mother because she thought she'd "check in before the Steelers game starts." What a gem.

Thinking about the green beans that will make an appearance in my dinner this evening.

Wondering whether or not to blame the change in weather for my increased homesick feeling. I know that's not fair but I'll take that up with the sky.

About to stop this nonsense and buckle down. Goodnight, all.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

A childhood staple

The other day I was craving my childhood in the form of English muffin pizzas. So I did something about it... 

I was also craving childhood in the form of Hanna Andersson long johns...
I wish I did something about it...


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Let's get Philosophical, Philosophical!

Hi all. Anni-stotle here. In class yesterday we were talking about philosophies. As a health educator, we have to create our own personal philosophy. I'm already nervous to write mine but instead, my teacher asked us to participate in a quick in-class discussion. She wanted us to quickly write down our initial thoughts to the end of this phrase: "The purpose of life is to..."

I'm sorry...what? I've never thought about how to answer this on such short notice...or ever. Asking me to write down the first thing that comes to mind is dangerous. Eat chocolate! Oh no...that can't be, but what if it was the first thing that came to mind? I knew it would have to be something good. This life is great, therefore, the purpose must match up. But really, what could the purpose of life be? I didn't have enough time to think it through. What about being happy? Nah...not enough sustenance for me. What about helping others? Sure, but how...and why? I thought to myself there could be a variety of words that are purposeful: love, health, happiness, gratefulness, learning, serving, etc....Nothing sat right with me. One of my friends essentially said she didn't think there was a purpose of life. She backed it up well and said that maybe there is but she hasn't found it. We live, but then we all die. So...the purpose of life is to be determined. I was glad she said that. I enjoy when people say the unexpected. My initial response was " happily and healthfully, surrounded by the ones you love." Okay, I agree (with myself, ha!) but I wasn't satisfied. Sure, it sounds like a good purpose. What's so wrong with that? It just wasn't what I wanted to put down in words. Have you ever given this question thought? Do we know what the purpose of life is while we're living? That seems like some deep, heavy stuff for us to be carrying around in our brains. Are we sure we have that kind of capacity? Do we discover the purpose of life through a specific experience that causes us to realize why we're really here? I don't know the answers to these questions. I don't expect to ever know them. I'm sort of alright with that, too. What if I discovered the purpose of life and was not pleased with all it was? What if I discovered the purpose of life and was so overwhelmed with the beauty of it? So this is what I'm telling you. I don't know the purpose of life. I know my purpose is different from yours and I love that uniqueness. I know that we're all here for a short while trying to find this purpose or make ourselves have a purpose. I know that this life is beautiful. I know that this life has its sad moments. I know that we stumble and we get back up. I know that we learn and grow from one another. I know that we laugh and we cry. I know that we smile at strangers and they smile back. I know that we need to enjoy this life while it lasts. I know the purpose is out there...but instead of finding it, live it.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday is for...

And blue skies...
 Being unique...
 Three dollar boxes of Kleenex...
 Catching up on magazines...


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

