It's amazing how many people you meet in your life. When you don't realize it, you are meeting people constantly at the grocery store, school, on a walk, at a meeting, traveling, on the sidewalk, visiting friends, and any other setting you could possibly imagine. Curiosity overcame me and I Googled it. Google, oh wise one, said that the average person meets 100,000 people in their lifetime! Am I average? That's a rhetorical question, by the way. Imagine if I was in France! That's 200,000 kisses on all the cheeks! My goodness.
Every person I've met served a purpose and the people I meet in the future will also serve a purpose. I've landed where I am because of the people I've conversed with or the people that occupied my time. Some have impacted me greatly and others not as much, but that's not to say that they didn't affect me whatsoever. That's an unfair thing to say about someone. Consciously, I am aware of the people in my life at the moment. Subconsciously, I am aware of the people that have been in my life and people that will come into my life. It's not something to dwell on or hope for, rather something to recognize every once in awhile.
When I was younger I didn't have many cares in the world. I didn't even have Care Bears. Does that say something about me? I hope not. I preferred Lego's and Beanie Babies. Maybe
that says something about me. Pish posh. It's all behind me, anyway. I made it through grade school and middle school with the same people. I had my group of friends but I never thought how life would be when I was in my twenties. Like I said, I didn't have a care in the world! I was just living my life taking it day by day. I wish I didn't have to take it day by day, though. My mushroom cut could have
really grown faster!
Then it was time to meet more people. This made me nervous because I was heading into high school with a handful of people I hung out with from grade school. I was still eager and excited to meet new people. I had seen how my siblings' friendships had expanded in high school and everyone seemed so great. So this is where I added 100 or so new people in my life. I didn't make 100 friends but I met many people. Not only students, but teachers, coaches, parents, and siblings of friends.
Looking back on high school after being in college makes me realize I don't miss it that much. Many people cannot believe this but it doesn't imply that I don't miss one second from high school. Growing up has made me recognize a lot of aspects to high school that I wish had never happened, or could have been done differently. I won't go back for a homecoming game. I won't go to the five year reunion. I won't bring up high school if I can avoid it. I
will remember the people I met (for better or for worse).
You know what's fascinating? How unique people are and every single person I've ever met has an individual characteristic that makes them special. I love this. Even when people can't clearly see something, I know it's there. Underneath the voice, the personality, the actions, lies an incomparable feature that defines a person.
College has helped me with the people count. Three schools in four years. Is that an advantage? Perhaps that's why I wanted to check out three schools. Getting behind on my people count! Sure, there are probably 100 people that I've introduced myself to and vice versa that I will never see or talk to again but just because I was with my roommate, for instance, who introduced us doesn't mean I shouldn't be polite! I must remain the classy girl from Crystal Lake. Okay, no one says that to me but I sure hope they are thinking it. ;-D Even still, I've broaden my acquaintance list and now I'm encouraged to network. How else do you find jobs these days? It's not a conventional way, that's for sure. "I met someone on a train that ate with another person that dated the man who runs Boeing." .....for example.....
I'll be honest, I just forgot my point. Okay, here we go. My point is, there are so many people in this world. I'm almost 22 and I've met about 22,000+ people thus far. Is that right? Sounds unreal. (I guessed I'd live to 90.
TBD). Some of my best friends are people I met in grade school and grew closer to as we aged. I've learned how important it is to "make new friends but keep the old." We learn and grow so much from other human beings. Why stop?