I believe my life changed after Trader Joe's came to town. I'm nearly obsessed with the store and absolutely adore taking trips to get groceries. The fact that you can purchase 20 items for the same price as 7 items at a "regular" store makes a great deal of difference. Emphasis on the deal part. Trader Joe's is not just your Average (trader) Joe. They have plenty of options to cater to most of your food needs. After this post you would think I work at Trader Joe's. It's not the case. I'm just one of their biggest fans! I'm not sure I've ever left a store without something new to try in my handy reusable TJ's bag. Now, let me get this out there. Not everything in that store is worth writing home about. Believe me! I only send my family letters when I get something really tasty. Kidding…but it is worth a mention! Even though I am such a fan, there are some aspects that certainly don’t sit well with me. The pros outweigh the cons and I still shop there more than any other grocery store. Not only is the food good, the works are incredibly friendly with their Hawaiian shirts and pleasant conversation. If you are not a people person and don’t want to talk to anyone then you probably shouldn’t travel to TJs. They will start a conversation and it’s only nice to be polite.
I can’t believe there are only 340 Trader Joes around the country. Well, half of them are in CA so I have been quite lucky to have one in my town! These statistics could be a little off since I did quickly search on Wikipedia and we all know how that is not a valid source. Someone could change that amount of stores to 5,000 tomorrow and people won’t give it much thought! Oh well, at least this blog is not a research project. The APA citations can be left out. Phew. If you are lucky enough to have a Trader Joe’s in your town and you haven’t shopped there as often as you should be shopping there, I encourage you to test it out. Don’t yell at me if you get something that isn’t good (Hint: Be cautious of the frozen food section). Now that I have professed my love for Trader Joe’s, I must take a trip there today! It’s the right thing to do. When you are trying to think of the right thing to do in life, ask yourself, What Would Trader Joe Do?