Friday, January 29, 2010

Wake me up before you go-go.

I'm in the midst of a project for school about sleep and how necessary and wonderful it is for you and your well being. Well, we all know that but the topic itself sparked new ideas in my head to create a blog post. Are you a morning person? Are you a person that wakes up and could create a tornado of anger everywhere around you until you succumb to the promise of a new day that has already begun? "I'll take Are You a Morning Person for 1,000, Alex". "Who is Anne Vurdelja". I am choice A. The one that people don't understand. How are you awake so early? Why are you up? Do you have somewhere to be at this time? To answer all of those valid (and completely annoying questions): I'm up early because God gave me this fantastic alarm clock in my head to wake me up in the morning when it's still dark out and there isn't a soul around. I guess that answers question two as well. No, I do not have somewhere to be between five and six in the morning but I'll throw a question back to you. Why must I have plans if I am waking up early? There. I said it.

I used to feel like I was too young to be waking up early in the morning. Everyone else my age could sleep until noon. By noon, I can count a dozen things I have already accomplished. I'm not saying each day I get a million things done. In an ideal world, I would but I'm content just being awake early. When I hear the gasps or see the bulging eyes about my early rising, I will never understand. It's not as if I am waking everyone else up that early! Personal choices. Calm down, folks. You should also know, that I don't go to bed at one in the morning. In that case, I would NOT be able to function. The morning is my absolute favorite time of the day. No questions (please no more questions) asked. As ridiculous as it sounds, when I wake up, I wake up. Nearly jump out of bed at the thought of a new day. I'm not joking although I can understand if you think that sounds like a bunch of nonsense. I would probably think that too. If there is a more perfect quote then I have yet to find it but Dr. Seuss puts it so eloquently and couldn't relate more---"I like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells". Thanks, Doc. Brilliant!

Sleep well.

Someone actually put this on the internet! Just in case you like schedules!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Send me to vANNEcouver?

It's hard to contain my pure enjoyment of the 50 degree weather Bellingham has been having for quite some time now. But I have to wonder about that place north of here. A little place I like to call Vancouver. You probably are not aware, since NBC has lost millions of dollars NOT promoting them, that the 2010 Winter Olympics are in Vancouver in just a few short weeks. How are the Winter Olympics going to begin with spring weather? The show must go on! Sure, figure skating, curling and other indoor activities will go as planned but what about the mountain sports? I'd hate to see them put wheels on the bottom of their skis to go roller-cross-country skiing on a mountain full of dirt. The skeleton and luge would be a bit uncomfortable if the smooth, icy path is melting and they end up in puddles of water. The ski jump is now a mere bump in the ground, I'd assume. How will they ever be able to prove to the world how great they are at their specific sports? First, I suggest they lower ticket prices. That way, I can go and cheer on such talented athletes. Second, I will tell the world (or the dozen people reading this) how phenomenal they were in spite of the weather conditions. Finally, I will give you all loonies and toonies in exchange for donations to attend and report on the winter (or spring?) Olympics. That is how you will know the validity of these remarkable athletes. With that said, the Olympics begin on February 12th. Tickets can be found via the World Wide Web. Think about it? Warm wishes.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?

This quarter of school is allowing me to have a bit more free time than usual. I'm faced with a mostly free mornings, wide-open afternoons and I am stumped. What on earth shall I do to fill that time? Many people would love to have extra free time. I don't blame those people in the slightest, especially they are normally so busy! I enjoy a good moment of relaxation now and then but too much can get to me. I need to stay on top of it and do something...anything! Which is why I'm here now. I woke up at 5:30 am (no school plans today...just my natural alarm clock saying wake up!) and I am in the mood to come up with ideas. Perhaps you could be of some assistance.

I could find a second job. It only took half a year to find the first one, but who knows? It's possible there would be something floating around. I can leave now for Vancouver and beat the craziness of the Olympic-goers, even though I don't have a ticket. It might make sense. Finish my homework due in February (I may or may not have done this already...but by no means have I completed everything!) I can blog daily, but it's difficult to think of things to say sometimes! Traveling more on weekends. Although, with what I'm making for Intramural sports it probably wouldn't cut it. I could train for another marathon......or not. I've been cooking and baking more but I can always improve! Perhaps take up knitting? Learn to ski? Write a novel? Ah the possibilities are simply endless.

As I ponder those ideas, I hope all is well with you. Stay healthy and happy. We'll be in touch.

Now I will work on my research paper on Lupus. Boy do I know how to have a great time.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

A day in the life...

A week into the new year, huh? Boy has time flown. Yes I realize that is such an overused statement...

"You're in college already? Time has just flown by!" "He's talking and walking? Oh time simply flew by!" "The election was over a year ago? Where has the time gone?" "It's time to make dinner? The time has flown by today!"

...While the statement is overused, it's practical and usually true when expressed. Many people reflect on how fast the decade went by and I do believe it did, I also cannot reflect on all of those years. 2009 was a very unique and wonderful year. Although I am unable to pinpoint every thing that happened (like some Christmas letters that believe everyone reading is dying to know about Aunt Sally's trip to the zoo or what Lucy did in horseback riding) I can still name a few things that I enjoyed.

Before I begin this list, I should note that my memory is not perfect. If I forget a monumental moment, I apologize to my readers expecting to read about it...but I do not really know what that would be or if my readers care. With that said, here we go.

1. January- Still freezing, I'm sure in the chilly Midwest. January isn't the greatest month (with the exception of my mom's 35th birthday.......) but it still sets everyone straight until we all ache for just a little sign of spring.

2. February- More can be said about February. It is the most BRUTAL of the winter months. Who enjoys February? Clearly, I don't remember anything interesting in that month because I was just trying to survive until I saw March.

3. March-If my memory is correct, I flew to WA avec ma famille and we found an apartment for me to live. Successful! I could go on and on about every detail and every conversation but again, I will not turn into one of those over-the-top Christmas letters writers!

4. April-Hmmm....surely I can think of something...This would be the point in the letter that may have read "Our little Annie was so anxious to head out west!" A valid statement.

5. May-I spent most of the month preparing to move, saying goodbyes, and packing up boxes to ship. May was a good month. And then I moved. And then I started training for a marathon...

6. June- I started summer school. Loved it. Brother John and Cousin John were nice enough to come visit Washington! The weather was very warm! (except when they were visiting) Still running....and running....

7. July- ...and running...Melissa headed my way next. It was lovely. A trip to Canada took place with many adventurous. You don't really care though. Moving right along....

8. August-I started this little blog. August 12th to be exact. It was a Wednesday. (calm down, I checked the records!) I drove to Montana two days later. It was another warm month. My friend Beth visited. (I have been lucky to have so many visitors!) Don't worry...I ran...

9. September- I could delete everything I wrote thus far and comment on how September was the best month of my entire year. Hands down, without a doubt! First, I went with my Aunt Susan to California to visit Lisa and Mike. Right then I decided I'd have to make this trip more often! Then, my parents came to visit. I started school. Last but not least, I ran the marathon. The most grueling but rewarding experience of my life. I could have ended the year on that note alone!


11. November-Is school over yet?

12. December-Home for the holidays after 7 months. Amen.

There you have it. My year in a nut shell. I should probably rephrase that and say my year in a very small... pistachio shell. Hopefully it didn't bore you too much. If it did, I can only suggest you find something to mock or laugh about and I won't know the difference.

Now that 2009 is on the back burner, we can all hope for a pleasant, healthy and joyful 2010. I do wish everyone the best and hope you had a great past year.
Cherish it because in a matter of moments we will all be same how fast the time flew...
