Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I decided to read a magazine today while I worked out. I don't do that often but it seemed to be that sort of day. I grabbed January's issue of "O" magazine. I've only read the magazine once in my life (when Ellen was the second person in history to share the cover. Obviously) I thought I'd give it a shot but believe me, I will not be making it a regular thing. As I was reading I flipped and skimmed through the articles about the new year and how to make it great for yourself, etc. I reached a blurb that I found both fascinating and brilliant. It explained that an Australian based company allows their employees to take a "FedEx" day. During this day, an employee needs to do something other than work. It doesn't matter they can have their choice but at the end of the day, they must have completed something. The guidelines were clearly not specific but if they took a day off to garden, they should have flowers or vegetables planted by the end of the day. Another important factor, the employees had to make sure they laughed during the day. I think those Aussies are on to something! What a perfectly simple idea. Have a productive day that doesn't incorporate work related issues but is not wasted at the same time. What about actual FedEx workers? They have FedEx days every single day. Is it a bit redundant? Perhaps they could take a "UPS" priority day and but it can actually last for 3-4 days. Just a suggestion. I'm sure there are some kinks that need to be worked out. I hope the bosses don't have a tracking number that can track where their employees are during that day...

So, with all of the hopes and anticipation for the new year, maybe you can think about taking a "FedEx" day every once and awhile. It couldn't hurt, right? We have to stay sane one way or another. Otherwise we may FedExplode.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Do button up, it's awfully cold outside.

Melissa and I enjoying the tiniest of trees a few years ago.

Well I have been home for a week already and boy has it flown by! This worries me for my final two weeks but I will try not to focus on that. So far I have been enjoying my time going to the dentist and eye doctor to name a few of the appointments. Boy has it been a treat! I have been gone so long that apparently there is a new way to clean teeth. When I was sitting in the chair cringing and fighting back the urge to grab that little metal pick, the woman started to describe how she was going to clean my teeth. I knew how they cleaned teeth until she threw in the words "sodium bicarbonate" and "raise your hand if you need me to stop in the middle of it". Excuse me? Then she proceeded to put a shield in front of her face and put a kleenex over my face so I couldn't see anything. Before I knew it, I had teeth that were smoother than ever. Regardless of the contraptions and chemicals, the new version of brushing teeth worked out for the best. I realize how curious you were of my trip to the dentist so why not fill you in to the fullest extent? You're welcome.

As for the rest of break, I am rather excited to enjoy it and catch up with friendly, familiar faces. But really, when did it get to be the 19th already? I'm not done with my shopping. I don't want to fight the crowds. I just want an extra week or so. Is that so much to ask? I think not. Speaking of time, I think I should spend some time opening some of the Christmas decorations in the hallway to put them out. Sure, Christmas is in a week, but I don't think it's too late. It's better than a standing snowman with a garbage back over it or several cardboard boxes interspersed throughout the house. That does not scream Christmas to me. The tree will be here later today and the rule in our house has always been "Put 15 ornaments on the tree and then you are done". How terribly sad that we had reached that point. As if it's causing physical pain to put ornaments on the fresh tree. Heaven forbid you stopped at 14 or were the over-achiever who put 16 or more (that was usually me in case you were wondering). Thankfully we have outgrown that stage in our lives where decorating was a chore and complaining was held at a constant. At least I think we have....John?

Good luck with the final preparations, all. We'll be chatting again soon.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'll be home for Christmas, you can count on me.

"Tiger this. Tiger that." "More on Tiger." "What you didn't hear about Tiger." "The truth about Tiger." "Wait, we retract that and this is what happened to Tiger." Tiger Woods is the focus of every topic, joke and article out there right now. Yes, the phenomenal golfer has "transgressed" in the eyes (even in the eye of the Tiger....) of everyone but can we stop talking about it already? Oh I know, but what would Jay Leno say in his monologue then? What would the entertainment shows provide for their followers? I suppose the questions are endless and people want to hear about their favorite golfer but aren't there more important things to report on? The unfortunate "transgression" of our country? The buzzer beater shot made by Kobe Bryant the other night? The soldiers who can't make it home for the holidays? There are so many other things more worthy. Of course I realize people thrive on hearing these stories. Well, maybe for a day. Yes, it was a terrible thing he did...or didn't do...or whatever the truth may be. Regardless, he has won more majors than you have.

With that said, this will be my final blog post before I head home on Saturday! Antsy? You bet. Tired? You bet. Ready to head home? You bet. The only thing in my way are three finals this week. Very crazy! It has been sunny in Bellingham but a bit chilly. I am completely content with that. I'm not sure I'll be able to deal with the bitter winter in Illinois. Alright, maybe I won't head home. Just kidding...brutal weather will not affect me! Besides, it's not the weather I'm coming home for. So there you have it folks. I'll be seeing some of you soon and others I will keep posted through the blog. "As always, I send you best dishes from my kitchen to yours" I am not sure why but I thought a quote from Paula Deen was necessary...what has become of me?
